Monday, September 20, 2010

Mingling of boys and girls- a taboo?

Mingling of boys and girls- a taboo?

No certainly not., I personally do not consider that mingling of boys
and girls is against our culture. The first and foremost question is
that why do we categorize them into compartments of gender, why can’t
we treat them as individuals? We do not live a segregated life at home
or in the society, so then why the segregation in colleges and public

We always raise an eyebrow when we see a boy and a girl together. Our
first reaction is “setting” or” fixing ”. It’s a very funny reaction.
Our culture has always treated both the genders equally has promoted
their mingling. History has been the evidence that we have both the
genders studying together, shouldering responsibilities.

Moreover with urbanization and metropolitan culture the mingling of
the genders is far from being considered to be a taboo. We remember
what happened in the parks of Uttar Pradesh where on the pretext of
moral policing the boys and girls were beaten up by the policemen and
it turned out that many of them were married couples.

However we do understand the high risks – of mental as well as on
moral grounds. We do need to keep a track on their whereabouts as well
as guide them from time to time. Lets be reasonable and help the boys
and girls to decide on their own limits and help them to form and
retain positive relationships, which would help them adjust with each
other in future.

Dr. Medhavi Chourey

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