We thought that with the whiff of a magic wand everything would change for the better. With starry eyes we waited expectantly for first January.
We grew up and then it was about parties, either we were invited or we threw them. It was fun and frolic. The next day clearing the mess of the party was also fine. Years slipped by and then all this seemed to become too much. Groups of friends seemed like a crowd. The halls turned out to be claustrophobic. If the party was at home, the next day clearing took to nerves. It all seemed so hollow.The most beautiful diaries purchased were half-filled. So many resolutions were left in between. It would leave me crestfallen.
I look back and see how i had changed with the passing times. Now the best way to begin a new year is to stay home, cook for the family, watch some TV n chill. The diary now bought was with a lot of thinking. The resolutions made were more practical. The ones that were not met last year were taken lightly. I had moved on, accepted it with grace.
I had finally grown up, realised one needs to do their best !!!!